Colleen Peterson and Tina Whiteford have 2 things in common: they are both NYX athletes and race directors! Not only do we have tremendous appreciation for the people who make our sport possible, but we thought we might be able to learn something from their unique point of view.
- Share some insight on your favorite part of being a race director.
Tina: My favorite part of being a race director is making new friends and helping newbies get started in tri’s.
Colleen: There are two things that are my favorite: The first is watching everyone arriving, setting up in transition and getting ready to race. I love watching everyone getting ready to perform their best or getting ready to tackle a challenge they didn’t know was possible. The second is the radio call I make to the Bike Director and Run Director asking if we’re ready to go, it’s almost as exciting as if I were racing.
- Share some insight on the hardest part of being a race director.
Colleen: The hardest part is making sure everything is in place for the start of the race. Did volunteers and flaggers show up? Am I sending crew from race headquarters out on the bike or run course to pick up a critical position 10 minutes before the start?
Tina: Dealing with difficult cities for new events and athletes upset that they have to pick up their own packets due to the USAT rules.
3. What do you wish athletes knew about your job?
Colleen: Planning for an event takes months, with a lot of organization, communication, logistics, recruiting and expenses.
Tina: How much work and time it takes to put the events together. So many think it just appears race morning.
4. What is a common complaint you get from athletes that you have no control over?
Tina: Athletes having to pick up their own packets due to USAT rules. Everyone thinks I do it to them to screw with them.
Colleen: YES, the USAT packet pick up!
5. What do you wish athletes would be smarter about, so they don’t screw it up on race day?
Colleen: Planning their transition and the space. Too many athletes take up more room than what is allocated. In 2019, I looked into the transition and couldn’t believe the mess and chaos. This reminds me of a social media post I need to put out there about transition and what to bring. Leave that huge transition bag at home! 🙂
Tina: How to put their tats on and how to follow arrows. They either can never put them on at all with instructions or they put them on upside down. We always put large arrows out and we always ask the athletes to know their route, but I always have at least 10 that get lost on an all-right turn event. My favorite: “I didn’t see your arrows but I saw the Remax sign”, oh my arrows were in front of the Remax sign!