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What You Need To Know About Hyponatremia

Electrolytes, as far as we athletes should be concerned, refer mainly to sodium (Na+) and potassium (K+). Na+ and K+ are very tightly regulated in the body. If an imbalance occurs, bad things happen. The most common and most dangerous electrolyte abnormality in endurance athletes is hyponatremia. In this article, I will discuss what hyponatremia is, what causes it, why should we care about it, and how can we avoid it.

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3 Coach Accounts of Mental Race Strategy

In the same way that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to physical training, mental race strategy should reflect what we each need to be successful. The 3 NYX Endurance coaches lay out their individual mental game plans. Their strategies reflect how they approach racing as athletes, not as coaches.

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Racing in the Heat

Despite pre-race Heat Acclimation training along with applying good hydration and thermoregulation strategies while exercising in the heat, there may come a time when you find yourself overheating.

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Heat Acclimation

If you have an early season race and/or will be racing in a climate that is significantly warmer than the climate in which you train, acclimating to that hot environment prior to race day is a key factor in success.

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Time Management Mastery: Interview with Alexis Barnes

I was tired of people yelling “on your left” when I was on the bike, and I made the decision to commit because I wanted to be one of those people yelling “on your left.” It helped me focus everything, including my schedule. I was able to say “I’ve decided I want to make this a priority so I’m going to work to fit this into my schedule.”

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