Resources: Newsletter

Race Directors Q&A

Colleen Peterson and Tina Whiteford have 2 things in common: they are both NYX athletes and race directors! Not only do we have tremendous appreciation for the people who make our sport possible, but we thought we might be able to learn something from their unique point of view.

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What You Need To Know About Hyponatremia

Electrolytes, as far as we athletes should be concerned, refer mainly to sodium (Na+) and potassium (K+). Na+ and K+ are very tightly regulated in the body. If an imbalance occurs, bad things happen. The most common and most dangerous electrolyte abnormality in endurance athletes is hyponatremia. In this article, I will discuss what hyponatremia is, what causes it, why should we care about it, and how can we avoid it.

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3 Coach Accounts of Mental Race Strategy

In the same way that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to physical training, mental race strategy should reflect what we each need to be successful. The 3 NYX Endurance coaches lay out their individual mental game plans. Their strategies reflect how they approach racing as athletes, not as coaches.

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Time Management Mastery: Interview with Alexis Barnes

I was tired of people yelling “on your left” when I was on the bike, and I made the decision to commit because I wanted to be one of those people yelling “on your left.” It helped me focus everything, including my schedule. I was able to say “I’ve decided I want to make this a priority so I’m going to work to fit this into my schedule.”

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Does Spirituality Fit Into Sport?

“When I’m in the dark places of the run, I know that through suffering – it’s deeper than just a silver lining, it’s deeper than “I can get a medal.” You’re learning something about yourself through the suffering that you could not learn otherwise. And that’s redemptive because you discover qualities of character that would have been latent if you hadn’t gone through it.”

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